Premium game - system Eurocoin JACKPOT

The premium game system complies the highest requirements on the comfort on the operation and enables to connect any slot machine or roulettes. For the user it is a source of following information – the gaming place activity, the statistics of the gaming place occupation and the takings summary of the single slot machines on the PC screen

The height and speed creation of Jackpot comes from the accurate takings data and the single slot machines occupation. To this system it is possible to connect up to 60 slot machines and unlimited amount of display panels. The system is protected as the Utility model.

Price list:
The basic price of the system EUROCOIN JACKPOT 3280 €
The connection of the slot machine to the system EUROCOIN JACKPOT 398 €
The change of the slot machine in the system EUROCOIN JACKPOT 132 €
The additional connection of the slot machine to the system EUROCOIN JACKPOT 398 €
One-sided outside panel with the LED diode display (the numbers´ height 160 mm) 1560 €
Both-sided outside panel with the LED diode display (the height of the numbers 160 mm) 2290 €
One-sided interior panel with the display (the height of the numbers 105 mm) 1892 €
The attractive interior panel with the display (the height of numbers 105 mm) 2755 €
The attractive interior panel with the display (the height of numbers 160 mm) 3020 €

(The prices are without VAT)